The Association has over the past 50 years been advocating for improved access to quality cancer prevention and management strategies and services. Engagement at national level as well as participation in regional and international forums has helped to bring the attention of the public, government leaders and health policymakers on the rising disease burden due to cancer. This work has also helped to bring government attention on Non Communicable Diseases (NCD) in general. Issues raised by the Cancer Association of Zimbabwe include lack of firm policies, high cost of accessing chemotherapy and radiotherapy, limited access to cancer treatment in the public health sector, as well as poor resourcing of cancer programmes
Advocacy and Lobbying

Tariro Home for Cancer Patients

The home was opened in 1974 to accommodate both male and female cancer patients from rural areas who were receiving radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment in Harare. Patients stayed for four to twelve weeks free of charge, received free meals, enjoyed relaxation periods and received emotional support from the resident nurse/matron. In August 2002, due to economic hardships, inadequate food supplies and lack of transport services the home was temporarily closed. Services for cancer patients were thereafter concentrated at the Cancer Association. After considering the plight of cancer patients and the limited infrastructure to support them at the Radiotherapy Centre, the Cancer Association is working towards the re-opening of the centre. We are appealing for well-wishers to support this noble cause in cash and kind.